Transferpette-S Single Channel Pipette
New item but clearance - 50% Off RRP
Tip volume (100-1000 μL), single-channel, adjustable volume, mechanical, DE-M
This Transferpette single channel pipette is an essential tool for those working in physical, haematology, immunology, medical, microbiological, biological, and endocrinology laboratories. Designed to meet the needs of professionals, this unit offers precision when dispensing liquids, ensuring accuracy and reproducibility in experiments. The brand of this pipette is [BRAND], and it comes as a single unit with a quantity of 1. This listing falls under the categories of Other Healthcare, Lab & Dental, Healthcare, Lab & Dental, and Business, Office & Industrial. Get your hands on this Transferpette today to make your laboratory work more efficient and accurate.
Efficient: One-hand operation
Flexible: ergonomic design for all hand sizes
Reliable: volume-change protection prevents accidental adjustment.
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